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Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
SSL Certificates Uncovered
Internet safety is a No. 1 priority for everyone who shops online, and your customers will expect nothing but the highest possible safety level when they purchase your products.
What Does SSL Indicate?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a technology that guards your e-store or logon page. The Secure Sockets Layer certificates, also referred to as digital certificates, encrypt the delicate details requested from website visitors such as place of residence, date of birth, national insurance number, driving licence or credit card details, so that nobody could use this information for illicit purposes.
Your website visitors can identify a secure site by the ‘https' part at the beginning of the URL, or by the lock symbol in the browser window, or by a distinctive seal on the website.
The Secure Sockets Layer certificates feature 256-bit encryption, and include a $10 000 warranty and a site seal for your website. You are required to get a static IP.
So, register for a website hosting plan with with Domain Sales at Affordable Price now and get a SSL for your domain names.